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In 1973, Lady Velma Jeter, Area I Director, contacted Mrs. Rupert R. Clemons and Lady Thelma C. LaPice, a Top Lady since 1965, about the feasibility of a TLOD Chapter in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Women from different backgrounds were invited to attend a meeting with the Director. The meting was held at the home of Mrs. Clemons. After three meetings, twenty of those in attendance formed a small nuclei for the expressed purpose of assisting youth in the inevitable task of functioning effectively in today’s society; promoting wholesome and meaningful living of senior citizens; improving the status of women; and developiing, promoting, and supporitng activities designed to preserve the physical beauty of America.


Area I was invited to host the 1974 Area Conference in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The conference convened February 9, 1974 at the Downtowner Motor Inn and the Lake Charles Chapter of Top Ladies of Distinction was chartered.

Lady Thelma C. LaPice served as the chapter’s first President.


Lady Rupert R. Clemons

Lady Thelma C. LaPice


Lady Thelma C. LaPice, Chapter Organizer

Lady Rupert Richardson Clemons, Chapter Organizer

Lady Grace Bell

Lady Dorothy Broussard

Lady Pythina Brown

Lady Martha Gray

Lady Brenda Hunter

Lady Geneva Jackson

Lady Carolyn Johnson

Lady Mary Jane Jones

Lady Marva Matthews


Lady Annie Minnifield

Lady Cleo Moffet

Lady Mildred Nelson

Lady Lillie S. Norwood

Lady Gloria Reder

Lady Mary E. Richardson

Lady Thelma Thomas

Lady Barbara Thompson

Lady Florence Woods


Lady Thelma LaPice ........................1974-1975

Lady Thelma Thomas ..................... 1975-1979

Lady Barbara Thompson ............... 1979-1981

Lady Mildred Nelson ...................... 1981-1983

Lady Ivy Mouton ............................. 1983-1987

Lady Faye Blackwell ........................ 1987-1989

Lady Bette Keeter ........................... 1989-1993

Lady Thelma Thomas ..................... 1993-1995

Lady Verda Anthony ....................... 1995-1997

Lady Chester Moses ....................... 1997-2003

Lady Annie Mouton ........................ 2003-2007

Lady Judith Washington ................. 2007-2009

Lady Roma Mitchell ........................ 2009-2013

Lady Christine Mandubourg ......... 2013-2017

Lady Raven Williams ...................... 2017-2019

Lady Katie Guidry-Johnson............. 2019-2023

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