Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. is a professional non-profit educational, humanitarian and service organization committed to providing service to youth and adults. The National organization was founded in 1964, while the Lake Charles Chapter was chartered in 1974.
National Theme:
“Celebrating Our Legacy: TLOD Transforming Lives and Making a Difference…One Teen, One Lady and One Community at a Time (TLC)”
National President: Lady Eddie Lee Marsh . National Area One Director: Lady Rhonda Harris
Chapter TLOD President: Lady Katrina Evans
Community Beautification
Transforming Lives to make the world a cleaner, more beautiful and eco-friendly economy which will improve the environmental living conditions of citizens through “Keeping America Beautiful”.
Some of our local Community Beautification Projects include, Adopt a Spot, Recycling Workshops, Serving our Legacy Ladies, Caroling for Seniors, Planting to Keep our City Beautiful, and participating in the Girl Trek initiative to create a healthy habit of walking. Our local 2023-25 Community Beautification committee is led by Alisha Mallet, Chairlady.

National Programmatic Thrusts & Program Focus:
Senior Citizens
Transforming Lives to assist our senior citizens in living a more wholesome life and to aid in their optimal living by increasing their focus on computer based training, alzheimer’s, heart/stroke disease, mental health/ depression/ stress disorders, and promoting eye care- cataract/glaucoma disease awareness.
Some of our local Senior Citizen events have included workshops on technology, virus' and vaccines, senior citizen fraud & scam prevention, exercises, healthy choices, and more workshops held on a monthly basis. Our local Senior Citizens committee is led by Wanda Kennison, Chairlady.

Status of Women
Transforming Lives to strengthen our families and communities to promote healthier lives and to alleviate problems concerning our women in a forever changing world with a focus of promoting women overall wellness to include suicide prevention, domestic violence, human trafficking, mental health/depression, stress disorders, alzheimer’s, heart/stroke, breast cancer, and lupus disease.
Some of our local Status of Women events have included Career Success Workshops, Go Red for Women awareness, Breast Cancer Walks, and local Unsung Sheroes recognition banquet. Our local Status of Women committee is led by Tenille Handy-Harmon, Chairlady.

Community Partnerships
Transforming Lives and building stronger families and communities as we strengthen our mission and brand through community engagement and partnerships. Our local Community Partnerships committee is led by Sharon Wilson, Chairlady.

Top Teens of America
Transforming our children lives to strengthen their resolve in becoming more productive citizens through positive Cultural, Educational and Leadership experiences
Top Teens -
T – Talented
O - Outstanding
P – Positive
T – Tenacious
E – Enlightened
E – Evolutionary
N – Noble
S – Scholars
ExCEL Program – Excellence through Culture, Education and Leadership. Building the next generation of Leaders with emphasis on the 3 pillars: Culture, Education, and Leadership utilizing M.O.M.E.N.T.U.M. as its foundation. Focus on adolescent suicide prevention, domestic violence, human trafficking, mental health/depression, stress disorders, In-Roads, NAACP ACT-SO Program, UNCF Empower Me Tour (EMT) College Tours, Black Girls Rock, Black Girls Magic, Me and My Mentor, Dorothy Allen Chimney Black History Bowl, Vivien Coe Richard TTA Leadership Academy, St. Jude, March of Dimes Healthy Choices Conference, March for Babies, Mentoring Walks.
Our local top teens are active within the community and have participated in many community-wide activities. To learn more about Top Teens of America, visit our page here or contact any member of Top Teens of America and Top Ladies of Distinction.
The local Top Teens of America chapter is led by Raven Williams, Advisor and Bridgett Williams, Assistant Advisor.